Talking about fragile times and our finiteness is not easy for anyone, especially when people become ill on their journey through life.
The communication tool offers support here, it aims to encourage open conversations, overcome speechlessness and draw attention to topics that are relevant if we want to achieve a high quality of life until the end of life. It is a communication aid for caregivers and enables difficult topics to be tackled in a playful way. They can be used in many ways over the course of life's journey. The objects are deliberately designed in such a way that topics can be interpreted into them, thus opening the door to unexpected or surprising topics of conversation. open.
WutMut is the first art edition of finally, which thinks of anger and courage as a unity and explores creative spaces in fragile times of life.
There are no design limits, no common sense, no taboos. These are idiosyncratic experiments with an individual style that think through life from start to finish.
When you buy the finally Art Edition, you support the cause of finally with a small contribution, but you do even more. As a collector, you also stimulate public discourse on finiteness and help us to raise awareness.
The finally Art Editions are limited, handmade and made in Zurich.