The grasping object is a ceramic tool that enables and radiates caring. It opens conversations about quality of life and reminds us, through its mere presence, that people thrive through touch.

The object to grasp provides support, distracts from pain and complements the holding of hands by relatives. The cloth can be dusted with soothing scents or filled with a private, familiar cloth.

WutMut is the first art edition of finally, which thinks of anger and courage as a unity and explores creative spaces in fragile times of life.

There are no design limits, no common sense, no taboos. These are idiosyncratic experiments with an individual style that think through life from start to finish.

When you buy the finally Art Edition, you support the cause of finally with a small contribution, but you do even more. As a collector, you also stimulate public discourse on finiteness and help us to raise awareness.

The finally Art Editions are limited, handmade and made in Zurich.

Final Studio Art: FIN242020
    Sale price CHF 89.00Regular price CHF 0.00
    Regular price CHF 89.00
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